
Parent Involvement Day

The school is open to parents who want to see work done by their children and interact with the teaching staff.

Parents, students and community members are invited to attend this meeting, which show cases the amazing things the children are able to do.

Be a part of your child’s education journey.

Mr. Alfred Asare, Principal, BA, MSC


Open to all parents and families with children at the school. Old students and prospective students. Prospective parents may attend upon invitation.

Healthy Schools. Bale was saluted for his successes in giving Secondary School “a shared vision for student and staff wellness, in large part because of Michael Bale’s dedication and efforts to promote wellness,” according to the provider’s website.

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2023-2-5 2023-5-5 UTC-0 Parent Involvement Day Our School celebrating Parent Involvement Day on a date suitable to parents and the school. Accra Grammar School
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