Clubs & Activities
We offer a broad and exciting programme of extra-curricular activities that encourage children to develop new skills and talents and also explore their passions outside of the classroom. We believe that co–curricular activities are an important part of a child’s education and encourage each child to really take advantage of what’s on offer.
There are 4 sections every student is assigned to Bear, Jaguar, Eagle, Panthers for school wide competitive sports teams across all age groups. We have competitive events with a number of local schools.
Students can join in our annual theatrical production which is rehearsed and performed to an audience. In addition to clubs and activities, the library is open every day until 5.00pm where children can spend some quiet time reading, writing or researching topics.
A typical selection of school activities include:
Cub Scouts | Drama Society | Soccer |
Netball | Gardening | Art Club |
Girl Guides | Reading | Science |
Lower School Choir |
Primary School
Gardening | Boy Scouts | Cadet |
Tae kwon do | Band | Cub Scouts |
Reading club | Dance Group | Girl Scouts |
Field Hockey | Basket ball | Drama Society |
Volley ball | Robotics | Tennis |
Junior High School
Gardening Club | Tae kwon do | Art & Craft |
Robotics Team | Creative Writing | Cadet Corps |
Chess Club | Red Cross | Band |
Choir | Student Council | Math Teams |
Literary Magazine | Photo Club | Quiz Bowl |
Tennis | Field Hockey | Basketball |
Volleyball | Art & Craft | Spirit Club |
Annual Excursion Trips
The annual excursion trips are organized by school section. Every year offers a different location this way students can visit industries to see how things are done. Monuments and places of historical and cultural significance and for our little ones another play center, nature park in the capital city is always great for them.
2024 Excursion
Pre-School |
G1-G4 |
G5-G9 |
Visa Day Graduation

This is the graduation day where the school says goodbye to the 9th graders and they are awarded their graduation certificates and acknowledgments. Graduates the transitioning 6th graders into Junior High School and the Pre-K children into the Primary School Stream. It is the highlight of the school year and is a formal outdoor event the entire AGS community is invited.
1. “Unlock your potential with extracurriculars.”
2. “Stay busy, stay happy – join an activity!”
3. “Extracurriculars are the key to a fulfilling life.”
4. “Hobbies today, successes tomorrow!”
5. “Find your true passion – join a club!”
6. “Joining a team helps you build lifelong bonds.”
7. “The more you give, the more you get – join an organization!”
End of Year Party
The annual children’s party takes place in December and it is a traditional favorite.
Christmas 2023