Accra Grammar School

Principal’s Welcome
Welcome to an exciting year of learning and growing at Accra Grammar School! I am honored to be the Principal of this amazing school, home of the Spiders!
Our school community is dedicated to providing our students with a well-rounded educational experience. The AGS staff recognize and celebrate the diverse learning styles, interests, talents, and cultures of our students and strive to offer a rich variety of meaningful learning experiences that will inspire innovative thinkers and confident learners.
The school home partnership is an integral part of the educational journey. We could not successfully complete this journey without the support of our committed families. Your partnership and involvement are essential components to the academic and social emotional success of your child. Together we achieve more!
We are about to embark upon a new school year with great enthusiasm and anticipation of new opportunities for our students and families. Welcome to the 23-24 school year!
Alfred Asare

Community Event Cook Ghana
The school invites you all to see the range of dishes available to Ghanaians.
Parent Involvement Day
Our School celebrating Parent Involvement Day on a date suitable to parents and the school.
Discussion and community dialogue with school staff, parents and community members.
BECE Boot Camp
Year 9 pupils can accompany parents but will not be permitted in the meetings.